
1-4-1-英语与财富人生 《1-4-1英语与财富人生》是一本英语口语自学教材,简单,易学,非常适合自学的朋友。




Do you know law of Attraction? I just learned it from one of my training class. Today I want to share it.
Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful laws of nature. Law of Attraction says that we attract everything that we think and feel.
That means your thoughts and your emotions are creating your past, present and future. The Law of Attraction also says that like attracts like. If you are thinking that you are extremely rich and you believe it with unwavering faith and you actually feel the strong positive feelings that make yourself "GLOW", you will attract that.
It may come to you as it is already there when you wake up such as you strike a lottery, the price of the property that you bought last week jump off the roof because of the government development project or you make a lot of money from the stock market OR It will come to you as an idea, intuition or hunches that will lead you to ways of making a lot of money.
How it will come to you will greatly depends on how you attract it. Thoughts, emotions and visualization are some of the most powerful ways you can apply to manifest your goals and dreams by using the magnificent power of the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction reacts on your every thoughts and emotion. When you think of something bad such as debt, break up or accident, that's what you are going to get. So, bear in mind that you have to be very careful of your thoughts. If you are sitting in your office staring at a stack of bills thinking of "debt", that's the thought you are going to send out to the universe and it will respond by giving you more debt. Instead of thinking or talking about "I don't wanna see these bills again!"
"I hate debt!"
"Why I'm always in debt?"
Try to change it to:
"I want more money that I can ever spend."
"I want plenty of wealth so that I can go vacation with my love ones."
"I want to earn $10,000 per month from my stock investment."
Here are the common mistakes. The universe will filter out all the negative thoughts such as not, don't, no and so on. When you say, "I don't wanna see these bills again!"
The universe will receive it as, "I wanna see these bills again!" And it will manifest more bills for you because that's your wish.
When you say, "I hate debt!"
The universe will interpret it as, "DEBT!"
So, it will give you more debt because you attract it.
When you say, "Why I'm always in debt?"
Again, the universe will interpret it as, "I'm always in debt." And guess what. You'll be always in debt.

There is a good film about Law of Attraction. It is the famous film: The Secret. You can watch it online by this address:




关于吸引力法则其实并不是一个什么新鲜的话题,实际上,这个概念早在20世纪初期的美国就被一些大师们所发现,而且,在这一领域,很多研究者都是当时声名显赫的成功学家、心理学家、思想家等。如:查尔斯·哈尼尔、罗伯特·柯里尔、威廉·华特·阿特金森、华特·沃伦斯等等。在这些人物中,最神奇最出色的莫过于查尔斯·哈尼尔了,他就是美国图书出版史上最传奇的图书、被禁止达70年之久的《硅谷禁书》(The Master Key System)一书的作者。实际上,贯穿《硅谷禁书》整书的最核心的一个思想就是"吸引力法则".











