The first step is to enter the downloading page, its address is Click it and find the downloading link of Rapidshare. See the follow picture.
第一步: 进入《第一部:公众演说图书介绍(下载频道)》 找到Rapidshare下载链接,如下图:
The second step is to open the downloading link and see the following picture.You will find two icon buttons.One is Premium button which is used by Rapidshare members.The other is Free button which is used by all free users.Please click the free button.
第二步: 点击Rapidshare,页面打开后,大家可以看到如下图片.其中有两个下载链接模式: 1、Premium(Rapidshare 会员专用) 2、Free(免费用户专用) 请选择Free下载链接模式,点击。
The third step is to recognize the first tip from Rapidshare system after the new page was opened.The correct tip is "It's happy hour" showed on the page.It will cost about 5 minutes and you will see the second tip from Rapidshare system:a round blue icon with the word"download" on its surface.
第三步: 点击Free下载链接模式,页面打开后,大家可以看到如下图片,大家首先可以看到来自Rapidshare免费下载系统的提示It's Happy hour。(图中第一步) 然后,5秒之后,页面会转换,出现第二个来自Rapidshare免费下载系统的提示图标Download(图中第二步所指)
The fourth step is to click the blue icon and then save the book as your selected file name into your computer.Congratuations,It is successfully downloaded.
第四步: 点击下载,跳出大家常见的下载页面,再点击(save as……)即可,电脑自动进入下载流程。
Okay, Downloading glide is over!
Okay, Downloading glide is over!
If you have any problem while downloading your selected files, please leave your words and i will offer my suggestion to help you.
在线阅读: 《硅谷禁书》简介